

For what it is

A kit of pigeons swirl
through the dense knotted limbs
of benumbed frost-bitten trees
black and bare to my blind eye
I see a dozen flapping wings 
 that thrust against the clasp of winter,
hear crisp-clear whips of sails at sea
midst fierce gusts of arctic wind —
emphatic flight for higher ground;
a silver cloud moored on the roof,
a reverie perhaps, immersed?
for what it is, is that, which isn't
and what is sought is seldom seen
or grasped in the moment,
but missed, and missed

(composite after J.M.W. Turner)


  1. how I adoooooooooooooore this composite after jnw turner;thinking of my father's sea time wartime stories
    have a beautiful day Tatiana

  2. The composite came after seeing his astonishing work at the AGO.
    Light: Turner was famous for placing a blazing sun in the background of his pictures, whereas most artists painted with the sun behind them. In these works, it expresses different emotions: emerging love, fierce passion and tragic loss. (from the exhibit)

    Thank you very much for your kind words, crederae.
    Love and light to you!
